sabato 20 dicembre 2008


venerdì 19 dicembre 2008

Latino 2

mercoledì 17 dicembre 2008



Natura 3

mercoledì 3 dicembre 2008

Thinking about Contemporay Art

Normally Hate is a feeling to be kept well under control. Hate is never resonable, at least if you are living in a nice Western Country. I have not much interest in politics but basically what will be observed and reported on story books about our petrol-age five hundred years from now is: "Western countries were made of people and corporations who do beleive that happiness was made of spending money." Corporations are Happyness! Drink Coke!
The Reality is another. But happines and unhappiness of people driving huge Suburban vehicles is not of my intertest too (at least for the moment). Now I dedicate some time to my hate, that time ago was only concern. I will express since it does not hurt anyone, so! So I use my fingertips only for hurt my keybord and for the rest of the time for drawing only. So let talk about Contemporary Art!!!

Only for ten minutes, since I have not much time to spend on Hate (and because normally ten minutes is the time required for produce a medium quality contemporary art painting, this is a fact as another is that 99,9% of all the question in the western world is related to money).

Author: Nicolette
Title: Contemporary art
Subtitle: The end
Second subtitle: Money is over

Contemporary Art
Your a big mass of colored stuff
Only that!
No, it at least does have a smell.
Contemparary Art don't have as well...
can be nicey placed over a nice red sofa.

It is so much time I heard about you.
Modern art came before you.
But it is duly over.
Is over, is over.
It is not your turn??

I have a question,
but I have already the answer!
How long time you will last.
How long you will be contemporary?
Contemporary, yes, but with yourself only.
Contemporarty art is still standing here,
alive like a zombie.

Let say from Warhol to Damien Hirst, we basically get to the very bottom of painting and visual art in story of human nature. And I suggest you to do not get attention on that, probably someone just need to sale some colored stuff (to be put on a sofa).
Contemporary art is contemporary with itself, only, so is died.
Escaping from rules, concepts, discipline.

When I make a mistake in a drawing.. using my pencil, I can recognise, and correct, when is possible. A mistake is a fact! How can you get an idea of a mistake in a contemporary art painting? I just ask myself if a Contemporary Art painter do ever make a mistake?
With no idea of what is good or bad, beautiful or a mess of color. How you can evaluate if a Contemporary art performance is good or bad?

Sperficiality, banality and lies can always be forgiven in a contemporary world. This quote is mine (or maybe I stealed from Warhol's quotes!! Anyway War-hol is died, and this is another fact.

Hallo, Nicolette

The roman-greek bust picture is not mine, but ispired by a huge Artist, that I would actually consider contemporary for the real meaning of this word should have. Banksy, and I suggest to visit:
I apologize for the text above that seem to be a poetry, it is awful I know but it so... modern

giovedì 13 novembre 2008



sabato 8 novembre 2008




Portrait non suitable for public view



venerdì 7 novembre 2008


lunedì 20 ottobre 2008

Il grido

This is how is going, outside here. This is bacause is too heavy. Because is too long time passed travelling, without arrive. It time to broken something. To let the things go wrong if it is not good enough. The end is a state of nature, like the beginning and the being. What make you beleive of be on the right side? How you can be sure if you don't try to look at yourself from your opposite?



venerdì 26 settembre 2008


giovedì 25 settembre 2008


mercoledì 24 settembre 2008




lunedì 1 settembre 2008



domenica 31 agosto 2008


giovedì 21 agosto 2008


Non suitable for public view


giovedì 7 agosto 2008

San Giorgio e il Drago, particolare

San Giorgio e il Drago, 2008
Porlezza (Italia)

mercoledì 6 agosto 2008

Smile man

martedì 5 agosto 2008

Reclined portrait

sabato 26 luglio 2008


giovedì 17 luglio 2008


San Giorgio e il drago

San Giorgio e il drago


Oil on canvas


San Jorge y el dragon

mercoledì 16 luglio 2008

Closed eyes 17

lunedì 23 giugno 2008


sabato 21 giugno 2008


mercoledì 18 giugno 2008

Foreign eyes

Ennio Mancini

domenica 8 giugno 2008

Closed eyes 9

Non suitable for public view


giovedì 29 maggio 2008


Esther 2

giovedì 22 maggio 2008



Sara B


Non ci devono essere vittime sacrificali, non si devono fare sacrifici umani... La Dc fa quadrato attorno ai suoi uomini... Non ci processerete sulle piazze, non ci lasceremo processare.
(da un discorso in parlamento sullo scandalo Lockheed, 9 marzo 1997)

Quando si dice la verità non bisogna dolersi di averla detta: la verità è sempre illuminante.

(da L'intelligenza e gli avvenimenti: testi, 1959-1978, a cura della Fondazione Aldo Moro, Garzanti, 1979(da L'intelligenza e gli avvenimenti: testi, 1959-1978, a cura della Fondazione Aldo Moro, Garzanti, 1979

Oil on paper

Il dubbio

Oil on paper

lunedì 28 aprile 2008

Giz 2008


venerdì 18 aprile 2008

Anatomico 10 studio

domenica 6 aprile 2008

Deny as Judith


Pertini 2

sabato 5 aprile 2008
